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Clients We Serve

Vulnerable Adults

Persons 18 years of age or older whose ability to perform the normal activities of daily living or to provide for his or her own care or protection is impaired due to a mental, emotional, sensory, long-term physical, or developmental disability or dysfunction, or brain damage, or the infirmities of aging. (s. 415.102(27)), F.S.)

Vulnerable Adult in Need of Services (Self-neglect)

A vulnerable adult who has been determined by a protective investigator to be suffering from the ill effects of neglect not caused by a second party and is in need of protective services or other services to prevent further harm (s. 415.102(28), F.S.)

Adults with Disabilities

A person at least 18 years of age, but under 60 years of age, who is not eligible for vocational rehabilitation services and who has one or more permanent physical or mental limitations that restrict his or her ability to perform the normal activities of daily living and impede his or her capability to live independently or with relatives or friends without the provision of community-based services (s. 410.032(2) and s. 410.603(2), F.S).

For Persons with Disabilities