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Economic Self Sufficiency Frequently Asked Questions

    Where can I find the closest Career Source Florida Center and its phone number?
    Are there any other places I can go to for help?

    Additional services may be available to you from other agencies. Here is a list of other state and federal programs you may find helpful.

    Where can I find Information on ACCESS Programs and Food Assistance?

    You can find information on the ACCESS Programs and Food Assistance on The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) page.

    How do I report a change if my child receives benefits through Florida Kidcare?

    Please contact Florida Kidcare directly at 1-888-540-5437.

    How do I change my Medicaid provider?

    Call the Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Helpline at 1-877-711-3662 or visit

    If I am eligible for the Medically Needy Program, will I receive a Medicaid Card?

    No, you will not receive a Medicaid Card.

    What is the Medically Needy Program?

    Individuals who are not eligible for "full" Medicaid because their income or assets are over the Medicaid program limits may qualify for the Medically Needy program. Individuals enrolled in Medically Needy must have a certain amount of medical bills each month before Medicaid can be approved. This is referred to as a "share of cost" and varies depending on the household's size and income. Once an individual meets the share of cost for the month, the individual must contact DCF to complete bill tracking and approve Medicaid for the remainder of the month. Information about this program can be found in the Medically Needy Brochure  (Español)  (Kreyòl).

    Where can I get answers for EBT Card Questions?

    Please call the EBT Customer Service at 1-888-356-3281, or visit the ACCESS EBT information site.

    I have a balance on my EBT card but I cannot access the benefits. What can I do?

    Call the EBT Customer Service call center at 1-888-356-3281.

    Will I be eligible for Food Assistance and Medicaid if I don't cooperate with Child Support Enforcement?

    You will be excluded from the benefits until you cooperate. However, your child/children will be potentially eligible.

    When should I complete my renewal application?

    You should complete your renewal application on or before the 15th day of the month in which your benefit period ends.

    No changes have occurred within my household, do I still need to complete a renewal application?

    Yes. You are required to renew your benefits at the end of your benefit period, whether or not you have changes in your household.

    I have multiple changes and my benefits are ending this month, what do I do?

    Please include your changes on the renewal application.

    Can I close a MyACCESS Account that was created by my ex-spouse and re-register?

    Yes. You will need to call our Customer Call Center at 1-850-300-4323.

    Why can't I renew my benefits through the MyACCESS Account?

    The time frame for you to renew online may be over. Please visit, log into your account, and click on "Apply for Benefits" from your dashboard.

    How do I apply for additional benefits?

    You can visit, log into your account, and click on “Add a Program” from your dashboard.

    If I have benefits in another state, can I transfer them?

    No. benefits cannot be transferred from state to state. You need to apply in the state where you are living.

    Is there any way that My ACCESS Account can verify my assistance benefits from other states?

    No. You will need to contact the state where you are receiving benefits.

    How long will it take to complete an application?

    On average, it takes about 30 minutes for most of our customers to complete the on-line application. This is the quickest way to apply. Once you finish filling out the application, you may submit it to DCF automatically by using our e-signature option.

    I am having trouble completing one of the Web Application screens.

    Each screen has a help button. If you continue to have problems after viewing the help screen then you can get help at your local service center or community partner location, or call our Customer Call Center at 1-850-300-4323.

    You just submitted your application. What happens next?

    It may take up to 30 days to process your application (longer if you need a disability determination). Proceed to Applying for Assistance to learn more.

    Do I have the capability to reset my own MyACCESS Account password?

    Yes, you can reset your own password by clicking the "Login" button and then the "Forgot your password?" link. This will allow you to enter your account username and send a verification code to your email address so the password may be reset.

    I would like to change MyACCESS Account user name. How can I do that?

    Yes, but it takes a little work. Click on the “Create an Account” link and set up your new account username and password. Once the verification steps are complete and you are logged in under the new user name, click on the "Link to your Benefits" button. Complete the steps to connect your new user name to existing application or case information. Then, contact the Customer Call Center at (850) 300-4323 to deactivate your prior user name.

    What other services are available?

    More services are available to you from other agencies. Click here to see a list of other state and federal programs you may find helpful.

    What happens after I am approved?

    Most cases are approved for either 6 or 12 months. We will send you a letter telling you what to do when it is time for us to review your case.

    If you are applying for cash or food assistance the first time, you will receive your EBT card in the mail with instructions on how to use it once your case is approved.

    • If you have received benefits in the past and still have your EBT card, you can still use that card as long as your case number stays the same.
    • If you are reapplying for benefits and no longer have your EBT card, please call EBT Customer Service anytime at 1-888-356-3281 to get a replacement card. Another EBT card will not automatically be mailed to you once your case is approved.

    It takes approximately 2-3 weeks to get a Medicaid card after your case is approved. If you need proof of your Medicaid eligibility right away, you can print a temporary card by logging into your MyACCESS Account and viewing your case and program details.

    Your gold plastic card is your permanent Medicaid ID. If your Medicaid eligibility stops, keep the card. If you become eligible again, then you will be able to use the same ID card.

    How can I make sure that my information is accurate before completing a My ACCESS Account registration?

    You can use the information from your notice or contact an ACCESS call center agent for verification at 1-850-300-4323.

    What is Share of Cost?

    Your " Share of Cost" is the amount of medical bills that you must have before Medicaid can pay any of your other incurred medical bills for you. Your share of cost works like a deductible on a health insurance policy. You must incur medical expenses equal to the amount of your share of cost each month before you can become eligible for Medicaid for the rest of the month.

    How do I apply?
    • The quickest way is from any computer with an internet connection at:
    • At one of the Department of Children and Families community partners. 
    • At a Department of Children and Families customer service center. 
    • Complete a paper application. The completed paper application can be mailed to ACCESS Central Mail Center, P.O. Box 1770, Ocala, FL, 34478-1770, or it can be faxed or hand-delivered to a customer service center
    What types of Help does DCF Offer?

    The Department of Children and Families, Economic Self Sufficiency Program has several programs that can help Florida families. They include, Food Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance, Medicaid and Refugee Assistance. Each of these programs has its own eligibility rules, but you may apply for any (or all) of these programs at one time using the same application.