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Scheduling Your Child Care Training Competency Exams

Scheduling Your Child Care Training Competency Exams

As a child care professional, you must pass exams to successfully demonstrate competency in the following required child care training course topics:

Part I Courses: Child Care Facility And Family Child Care Home

  • Child Care Facility Rules and Regulations (RNRF-6 hours)


  • Family Child Care Home Rules and Regulations (HOME-6 hours)


  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition (HSAN-8 hours)
  • Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (CAAN-4 hours)
  • Child Growth and Development (CGDR-6 hours)
  • Behavioral Observation and Screening (BOSR-6 hours)

Part II Courses: Child Care Facility And Large Family Child Care Home

  • Special Needs Appropriate Practices (SNP-10 hours)


  • Understanding Developmentally Appropriate Practices(UDAP-5 hours)

AND ONE of the following

  • Infant & Toddler Appropriate Practices (ITPR-5 hours)
  • Preschool Appropriate Practices (PSPR-5 hours)
  • School-Age Appropriate Practice (SAPR-5 hours)

About the Exams

Exams are multiple choice and are available in English or Spanish. You will take a different exam for each course, and you can take more than one exam per day.

You will be given 45 minutes for each exam.

Cost of Exam

The cost of each exam is $1.00 per course-instructional hour. For example, the cost of taking an exam for a 10-clock-hour course would be $10.00.

Scheduling an Exam

Exams are offered at approved sites within each local Training Coordinating Agency (TCA) service area. You must register and pay for your Child Care Training Exams at least 7 calendar days prior to the exam date by following this online process:

  • Log into your Child Care Training Account: Florida Early Childhood Professional Development Registry
  • Verify your contact information.
  • Select the “Competency Exam Enroll” option from the Personal Menu.
  • Carefully read the instruction box and acknowledge you understand this information.
  • Follow the remaining four steps to select exams, desired exam session, and pay to complete registration.
  • Exam Enrollment Guide

Payment Required at Registration

Payment for exams is required to complete exam enrollment. To secure a desired exam session and complete registration, payment must be made during the last step of the exam enrollment process.

Exemption Exams

Child care personnel have one opportunity to be exempted from one or more of the mandatory training courses by passing the competency exam associated with the course. If you fail the competency exam, you must complete the course before attempting to register for the competency exam again.

Enrollment of exemption exams is included in the online process. Exams eligible for exemption are highlighted in green in the enrollment process. You must acknowledge you are electing to use your one-time exam exemption option to register.

To learn more about Education Exemptions from training, click here.

Confirmation Letter And Reminders

After registering for your exam(s), a confirmation letter is available at your Child Care Training Student Record. Select “Exam Confirmation Letters” to view and print exam confirmations.

It is important to print a copy of the confirmation letter because it includes the names of the exams you are registered for; location and directions to the exam site; date, time; how early to arrive at the exam site; and the cancellation policy.

Review this information carefully, if you need to make any changes, you must do so at least 7 days prior to the exam.

Upon successful registration, an email confirmation including the exam confirmation letter will be sent to the email address on your account. Email reminders will also be sent. If desired you can opt-in to receive text reminders in addition to the automatic email reminders. Email and text reminders will be sent upon enrollment, eight days prior to the exam session, and 24 hours prior to the exam session.

Cancelling Exams

Child Care Personnel can unenroll from scheduled exams online at least seven (7) days prior to the exam date and receive a credit to use towards the same competency exam within the same county at a future date.

Admission to the Exam Site

You must be registered for each Child Care Training Exam you want to take in order to be allowed entry into the exam site. Individuals are not allowed in the exam room unless they have been registered for an exam on that date and time at that specific exam site.
You should arrive at the exam site early and according to your confirmation letter. If you arrive late you will not be permitted to enter the exam site or to take your exam on that date and you will have to reschedule the exam online.

Bring the following items with you to the exam site:

  • Required: Legal form of photo identification, (e.g. driver’s license, passport, or student identification card). Please refer to your Exam Confirmation Letter for I.D. requirements and acceptable forms of photo I.D. Please ensure that the name printed on your identification matches the name on your Child Care Training Transcript.
  • Two sharpened number two (2) pencils
  • Your confirmation letter

If needed, you may bring a pocket-size foreign language translation dictionary to use during the exam if the dictionary is free of any handwritten notes. Electronic dictionaries are not allowed. Translation dictionaries must not be in the same language as the exam you are taking. For example, if you are taking a Spanish exam, you may not use a Spanish translation dictionary.

You are not permitted to bring any personal items into the exam area other than those specified above. Please see your exam confirmation letter for specific instructions for your scheduled exam session.

Notification of the Exam Results

Within two weeks after completing your exam, the exam results will be available online through your account on the Florida Early Childhood Professional Development Registry. After logging into your account, select “My Student Information” from the Personal Menu. Then, select “Exams” to view exam results.

Your Training Transcript will show a certificate number and date if the exam is passed. If you have any problems checking your exam results, call your local Training Coordinator for assistance.

Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodation Request

If you need to request special accommodations to take your exams, you must provide written notification to your local TCA at least two weeks before you plan to take an exam. After the receipt of your written request, the TCA will coordinate with you to schedule your exam . Use the Training Coordinating Agency contact list to locate your TCA.